Why Choose Core Osteo?

Ben Holland Osteopath @ Core Osteo Surrey

About Ben…

Ben first started a career in health and manual therapy in 2004 having completed a diploma in sports and remedial massage whilst in the early years of studying for his degree in Osteopathy.

In 2008 he graduated from the London School of Osteopathy and became registered with the General Osteopathic Standards Council (GOsC). In the years since Ben has become an established member of a number of clinics and successfully built a business in and around the Surrey area.

Sport has always played a large part in Ben’s life and it was this that sparked an interest in a career in physical therapy. Having been fortunate to spend some time working alongside some very skilled Osteopaths when he was younger, Ben decided that Osteopathy was the right path for him. The experience gained from those who helped mentor Ben through the challenging degree and the early years of working in a clinical environment was invaluable and helped shape Ben in to the Osteopath he is today.

Over the years, Ben has spent large amounts of time working with professional and amateur sports people alongside those who are less active. Osteopathy, being holistic as it is, allows treatments to be tailored to each patient from any background or age.

Alongside his work with sports injuries Ben takes great pleasure in treating people who suffer with all sorts of back related problems, but has found a specific niche in helping those with headaches and neck pain caused by stress and/or postural issues while at home or work.


A Message from Ben…

“To me, the term “Core” can relate to many aspects of health and fitness. It is most commonly referred to when discussing the group of muscles that combine to form the body’s core; providing strength and stability during the process of movement. Without the core muscles functioning efficiently, we rely too heavily on secondary groups of muscles to provide support. In the short-term this is often not overly problematic, however, after a longer period of time may result in fatigue and subsequent injury.”

“I also see “Core” relating to the foundations upon which healthcare professions such as Osteopathy have developed. Although centuries have passed and Osteopathy has clearly changed from the days of “Bone Setting” (thankfully!) I still believe that the principles that were taught then are applicable and relevant today.”

“Over the years, I have tried to stick to what I know and what I believe works best for me and most importantly my patients. Sometimes I feel that with the pressure to constantly evolve, the basic skills can be overlooked. Whilst I appreciate it is important to move with the times and recognise developments within the profession and healthcare as a whole, I’m acutely aware that I do not want to over complicate the process of recovery.”

“I hope you will find that at Core Osteo you’ll be able to discuss your injury concerns in an open manor; obtain thorough but clear answers to questions you might have; receive a method of treatment that, over the years, has proved beneficial and offered a lot of relief to many people; and perhaps most importantly, enjoy a fun and relaxed environment.”